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Tips for Taking Your Kid to the Dentist

Going to the dentist isn’t easy for anyone, arguably. So why should it be for kids? Indeed, many children are famously anxious about trips to the dentist, as depending on the situation, this can potentially involve considerable discomfort. Below, we cover some tips for taking your kid to the dentist.

However, there are steps you can take as a parent to help make your family’s trip to the dentist run smoother. Following these steps has the potential to make everyone’s life easier for these key couple of hours.

Tips for Taking Your Kid to the Dentist

If you have a dental appointment scheduled for your kid or are thinking about scheduling an appointment for them, take a look at this overview of tips that can make this trip easier.

Set Your Expectations

In terms of dentistry, it’s generally thought that the earlier you take your child to the dentist in their life, the better. A child’s teeth start coming in as soon as their first birthday, and dental problems have the potential to start developing when they are as little as 6 months old.

In addition, getting your kid familiar with the routine of having their teeth checked can get them used to the experience at a younger age. This can set them up for success, as they inevitably will end up engaging in this experience more as time moves forward.

Some of the things that you can keep in mind for your visit include:

The dentist will examine your child’s teeth and gums. This includes looking for cavities or abnormalities. Dental exams for children are usually very brief. You should be allowed to stay near to your child during the exam to help them feel comfortable.

If your child is relaxed enough, they may receive a cleaning or fluoride treatment. Once the exam is completed, the dentist will talk with you about the fundamentals of oral hygiene. This includes nutrition, brushing habits, and oral hygiene.

Stay Calm

Set a good example for your child by remaining calm throughout the process of going to the dentist. There’s a very strong chance that this attitude will trickle down to them, making them more tranquil throughout the duration of their visit.

Helping to imprint positive feelings surrounding the dentist can help you prime your child to have a lifetime of positive experiences with receiving dental work. While they’re in their appointment, try to remain calm and positive.

Keeping in mind that any advice that your dentist offers you comes from a place of concern and well-being will help you maintain this attitude whenever they offer advice concerning your child’s teeth.

Select a Pediatric Dentist

Taking your child to a standard dentist won’t necessarily be a mistake. However, not all dentist’s offices are particularly suited for children in terms of ambiance. That’s why it can be advantageous to take your child to a pediatric dentist. This type of dentist often creates a kid-friendly environment in their office.

Pediatric dentist offices oftentimes have fun decorations and distractions that can make a child’s trip to the dentist that much easier. In addition, a pediatric dentist is trained to interact with children and make them feel comfortable.

These types of comforts can range from the words that they use to the way that they interact with your child. All in all, it can make for a much more comfortable experience.

Help Get Them Excited About the Dentist

Another way you can help your child with getting excited about the dentist is by intentionally trying to do so. For them, they might need an example of what a good attitude looks like for getting ready to have some fun.

Some of the ways this can be done is by reading them books about going to the dentist, of which there are many examples. You can also prepare treats for after their visit so they feel like they have something to look forward to.

Many types of media that are specifically geared toward children have dentist-centric media that can be used to get them excited. Doing some research into the kinds of media that are out there can give you some ideas of the kind that might work for your kid.

The Dentist that Bloomington Trusts

Valley Alder Family Dentistry specializes in giving children the special attention that they need in order to thrive when in the dentist’s seat. If you’re interested in looking into pediatric dentistry in Bloomington, contact us today to set up a consultation to put your mind at ease.